February 6, 2025

Elon Musk what’s in a Blue Tick ✅?


Folks as you know, we directly start our talks in all the important developments that goes around world, as we assume that you already know about that news from the circulation media around you. So let’s directly start diagnosing Blue Badge Tick verification policy by Twitter. As you already know Twitter will be charging per month $8-$20 to provide verified account tick on your Twitter handle. See basically this verification provides assurance the account is authenticated & belongs to the person twitting. Now our question is that if Twitter is no much worried about authentication & verification so that people get correct information on social media of the person twitting then why Twitter is not asking each & every Twitter handle/user to provide his/her government verified id’s. In this way entire Twitter users around the globe will be sanitized & 60% of the total users as we understand are the Fake handles will be eliminated. But Twitter won’t do it bcz Twitter is least interested in the information you get right/wrong, nor its interested in the true verification process to eliminate fake propoganda handles, the thing Twitter is interested in is to monetize its Blue Tick. They are actually selling it to make money. So from now onwards with new blue tick verification policy, the propoganda circulating organisation’s whether political or corporate, will easily buy this verified tick in countless numbers for their countless propoganda handles. So believe you me common man will be more confused in future when they will find propoganda circulated by more & more numbers of paid verified (propoganda) Twitter accounts.

Don’t you think so ?

… excerpts from the notes of

Yash Singh
Global Stock Markets Investor
Campaign Media Strategist – IncIndia
Tweets @YashSinghINC 
